Reuben Bowlby // Spotlight Interview // Circle Of Inspiration
Reuben Bowlby is a high performance coach in St. Louis, MO who is following his heart and pursuing his passion with confidence.
Describe who you are and what you do
My name is Reuben Bowlby and I am a certified strength and conditioning coach. I prefer to call myself a high-performance. I believe I can help anyone reach their goals, as long as they are willing to work towards them.

What drew you to your particular creative outlet?
My mother was and is a great example for me. I remember waking up at 5am and when I walked out to the kitchen she was always doing her morning prayers, meditation, and fitness. Now that I've become an adult, I do a similar routine every morning. If I don't do it, my day just isn't the same. She taught me how important health and wellness truly are and I am forever grateful.
When did you decide to pursue your passion?
During my time as a student athlete at McKendree University. I played 5 seasons and earned NSCA All-American accolades my senior year for my performance in the gym, on the field, and in the class room. I remember putting in the floors to our new fitness center for hours and by the end of my time there I was the head assistant coach and had worked with 13+ NCAA D2 teams. My time here laid the ground floor for my career.
Where do you draw inspiration from?
Anywhere I can get it. I like to go for walks and just let my brain see as much as possible. I call it walking my dog... but I don't have a dog. Dharma gates are everywhere.
What is the biggest lesson that you have learned on your creative journey?
Sometimes instincts are more important than our analytical minds. However, both are absolutely crucial to success and creativity.
What are you currently working on?
My new art studio downtown. Studio 42. Its a space [for rent) that allows me to surround myself with artists and inspirational people. It also happens to have plenty of gym equipment and a world class coach.
Any words of advice for someone getting started in your field?
Know where your ideas come from. Every thought or idea you've ever had probably came from someone or something else. Knowledge is an illusion.
Instagram: @reubenbowlby
YouTube: The Telos Podcast
Reuben's Studio + Gym: Studio 42 STL
Reuben's Projects + Resources:
Love the journey of following your heart and pursuing your passion. HOMS Spotlight Interviews are part of the Circle of Inspiration Artist Community founded by Karl Schmitz.
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Artist photos sourced from Reuben Bowlby.