Jackson Stokes // Circle Of Inspiration Spotlight Interview

Jackson Stokes is a singer, songwriter and guitarist from St. Louis, MO. Seeing him play live  'January 2020' and meeting him in person, it was apparent there was a direct correlation between his music and his personality. Jackson's vibe and energy is so positive and upbeat, and the ability to convey himself to his audience is a gift. We caught up with Jackson to see how he is continuing to follow his heart and pursue his passion with confidence. 

 Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

Describe who you are and what you do
I am a singer songwriter and guitarist from St. Louis, MO. I write songs and play in bands, sounds simple but true.

What drew you to your particular creative outlet?
I have no idea besides the way music makes me feel. For me, good music puts me in the present moment/now like nothing else in the world. It just always felt right and my parents surrounded me with good music growing up.

Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

Tonina.0220-16.jpgWhen did you decide to pursue your passion?
I decided when I was young what I "wanted to be" but I solidified diving all in when I was 19. Broke up with my girlfriend at the time put a band together and then the madness began.

Where do you draw inspiration from?
Listening, watching, and living. Sounds so simple but it is an active practice

Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

What is the biggest lesson that you have learned on your creative journey?
There is only one you, you will never be the "best" at anything except for being you. There isn't a score in art and comparisons waste precious energy.

Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

What are you currently working on?
I am working on the beginnings of a second full length record for my solo career and co-writing and contributing to multiple other artist's records. I released my first self-titled debut record produced by Devon Allman about a year ago and we are revamping it soon with an acoustic version of the album.



Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview
Any words of advice for someone getting started in your field?
Only do it if it's all you can do, if you can find happiness with music as a hobby that is wonderful then go that route, but if you just can't do anything else, DO IT. Know that you will sacrifice a lot but you also get the greatest privilege of making art and occasionally making money from it. That is a priceless gift that many hard working people dream of, don't ever take that it for granted.


Jackson Stokes interview with Karl Schmitz heart on my sleeve spotlight interview

Jackson is doing some really dope things; follow his journey on your favorite platforms!

Website: https://www.jacksonstokes.com/
>>>> Click here for Tour Dates <<<<<
Follow Jackson on Twitter and Facebook


Love the journey of following your heart and pursuing your passion. HOMS Spotlight Interviews are part of the Circle of Inspiration Artist Community founded by Karl Schmitz.

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Photos sourced from @jacksonstokesmusic

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